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checking up (emerald)

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Luther Count

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Post by Luther Count Fri Nov 06, 2020 11:29 am

It was very well known that Luther Count was a vampire. He was actually the first vampire to be employed by St Mungo's, as their rights had exceeded through the years, and there was no longer that prejudice put upon them. Understandably he couldn't really work around blood, but most of what he did didn't involve it. He had proven, through the years, that he could abstain from acting on instinct.

There was even some perks of the job: any blood or plasma that the hospital or its patients didn't require, went straight to him. Better not to waste it.

Luther was now seeing a girl who had been in the papers recently, and was using one of the private offices to do so. He received a call on his crystal that she was coming up from the waiting room, so he sat on his chair and waited for her arrival. There was a very comfy-looking chair opposite him for her to use.

@Emerald Cartwright
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Luther Count
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Emerald Cartwright

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Post by Emerald Cartwright Fri Nov 06, 2020 11:44 am

Emery knew that night changed her and right now she was still unsure. She wanted to blame herself for all this and how she couldn't keep her mouth shut. But she also was pregnant and Mackenzie could have killed her unborn baby and she hated it for her. Sure she could miscarry any day and she didn't want to get too attached as it could end any day, but she was trying.

She didn't like the idea though of having to see someone for her mental problems. Being with Faolan was enough as it was and him not being her sucked. She had used her crystal to message him and let him know how much she wished he could come with her. The door was open and Emerald entered, "I suppose you are the guy I have to see right?" she asked annoyed. Slumping in the chair, "Does my mother have to know anything from this meeting? I don't want to be punctured into her own mold." she said with her arms crossed and she just waited for this to be over.

@Luther Count

i keep going on, missing the moments
checking up (emerald) EsZLdFchecking up (emerald) EsZJ7M
living in the fast lane is getting kinda lonely
Gryffindor Sixth Year
Emerald Cartwright
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Luther Count

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Post by Luther Count Fri Nov 06, 2020 11:58 am

"I'm the guy," He confirmed, smiling. Her accent was wonderful. Luther waved his wand to shut the door.

"Only if we discover any diagnosis will we talk to your Mother, but that's extremely unlikely. You're looking very well indeed," He smiled, and began to write onto his clipboard already. "Anything we say will be confidential between you and I. That I promise you."

He put down his pencil and crossed his right leg over his left.

"So, how are you feeling now?" He asked her, leaving it as a very open question for now.

@Emerald Cartwright
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Luther Count
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Emerald Cartwright

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Post by Emerald Cartwright Fri Nov 06, 2020 1:57 pm

Emerald nodded as she crossed her arms, “I know it’s apart of my diagnosis, but does my pregnancy count?” she asked as she didn’t want anything getting back to her mother as she sat back, “As well as my relationship status with my boyfriend.” she sighed as she thought about Faolan.

His question made her sigh, “Yeah I’m feeling real fucking great. How would describe almost dying and then waking up to find out your pregnant with your boyfriend’s baby?” she asked with a sigh. “Although I do feel like I would have been better off if Mackenzie succeeded then I wouldn’t be used as a pawn for my mom to get money.” she sighed as she had overhead from Hazel that.

@Luther Count

i keep going on, missing the moments
checking up (emerald) EsZLdFchecking up (emerald) EsZJ7M
living in the fast lane is getting kinda lonely
Gryffindor Sixth Year
Emerald Cartwright
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Luther Count

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Post by Luther Count Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:38 pm

Luther sat quietly just listening to her, and remained eye contact. He didn't move or utter anything.

"I am not under any legal obligation to inform your Mother of any of that," He said, smiling reassuringly, but made a small note about the pregnancy and a new relationship. He also made a note about her Mother, which was something they probably needed to address.

"I would describe it as a very traumatic and life-altering experience for you to have to go through at such a young age," He said, and then nodded in acknowledgement of her feelings. He was sure that she was just angry at her Mother, and didn't really think of herself better off dead. "Do you feel as though your Mother doesn't care at all for you?" He asked her, again with an open question.

@Emerald Cartwright
Hospital Staff Member
Luther Count
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Emerald Cartwright

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Post by Emerald Cartwright Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:50 pm

Emery wanted to believe he was lying straight to her face as she watched him. “Did my mother give you that? As my pregnancy is none of her concern past this.” she said a bit annoyed right now. Wasn’t this supposed to be fucking classified. “I won’t share anymore until I know she doesn’t ruin my life.” she said with frustration.

She sat back and rolled her eyes, “Yeah and a lot people think I deserve it. Faolan keeps telling me I need to blame Mackenzie, and I do blame her for almost causing a miscarriage” she said as she looked down at her fingers avoiding eye contact. “She hasn’t cared about me because from day one I was a fuck up and was like one weak one. I never truly believed I’d live long, because I’m so fucking reckless, and I feel like if I was gone, maybe her prayers would be answered.” she sighed as she thought of her mother. “My dad was the only one who ever gave a shit, and he’s dead.”

@Luther Count

i keep going on, missing the moments
checking up (emerald) EsZLdFchecking up (emerald) EsZJ7M
living in the fast lane is getting kinda lonely
Gryffindor Sixth Year
Emerald Cartwright
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Luther Count

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Post by Luther Count Sun Nov 08, 2020 1:29 pm

"I'm sorry to hear about your Father," He said solemnly, although it was a very rehearsed sentiment. He had endured death so much in his long life that it no longer had a grievous outcome. "Perhaps you could see that the extent of her care comes from putting a great pressure on you. That's not to say she's right about doing that. It sounds to me as though she is concerned for your family's image as a whole. Do you have other siblings that feel similarly to you?" He asked.

@Emerald Cartwright
Hospital Staff Member
Luther Count
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Emerald Cartwright

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Post by Emerald Cartwright Sun Nov 08, 2020 2:38 pm

Emerald shook off his condolence it’s not like it matter her dad has been dead. It had been five fucking years. “Yeah there is no need to apologize he’s dead anyway. I’ve gotten over it.” she said not looking up. Yeah she didn’t get over it.

A chuckle came, “The extent of her care is to keep our family image pristine. I’m just waiting till she marries me off to some stranger instead of letting me be with the father of my unborn child. Since Faolan has a lot to work on, and we are trying. If you want to fucking know more ask my siblings ask any of them. All except Kyler she too far up her ass.” she said annoyed, this was really boring. “Like arranged marriages are a thing in family and I’d really like to not get involved.” she hated her mother, “Whatever my mother told you was a lie as she doesn’t care. She married my sister off to a prick.” groaned Emerald.

@Luther Count

i keep going on, missing the moments
checking up (emerald) EsZLdFchecking up (emerald) EsZJ7M
living in the fast lane is getting kinda lonely
Gryffindor Sixth Year
Emerald Cartwright
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Dixie D'Amelio
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checking up (emerald) N9mYXb
Quidditch Player
Pride Flag
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Plays Guitar
Has Freckles
Made 300 Posts

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