Running Up That Hill
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September 2020
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James Potter (1754)
Are you scared? ~ Ezra EmptyAre you scared? ~ Ezra EmptyAre you scared? ~ Ezra Empty 
Alayna Nott (947)
Are you scared? ~ Ezra EmptyAre you scared? ~ Ezra EmptyAre you scared? ~ Ezra Empty 
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Are you scared? ~ Ezra EmptyAre you scared? ~ Ezra EmptyAre you scared? ~ Ezra Empty 
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Are you scared? ~ Ezra EmptyAre you scared? ~ Ezra EmptyAre you scared? ~ Ezra Empty 

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Are you scared? ~ Ezra

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Dagger Vettel

Are you scared? ~ Ezra Empty Are you scared? ~ Ezra

Post by Dagger Vettel Sun Sep 15, 2019 1:20 pm

Dagger happened to be on the edge of the forbidden forest sitting in a tree carving into the tree he was sitting in with his dagger, it was quite funny actually, he had entered the forbidden forest from time to time but nothing actually happened so why were the Professors so scared? He thought it was pathetic, there was probably something really cool and amazing in there and it just was being hidden because the rules were bullshit. He heard footsteps but didn't even bother to look up.

@Ezra Shaw
Dagger Vettel
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Are you scared? ~ Ezra Tumblr_p9dj7rJskk1t6rqx9o2_400
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Are you scared? ~ Ezra 000000
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Catalina Calderon

Are you scared? ~ Ezra Empty Re: Are you scared? ~ Ezra

Post by Catalina Calderon Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:16 am

Ezra had been out for the night exploring and wanted to see what he'd end up coming across that night, having been visiting the Forbbiden Forest quite a bit at night. The Slytherin made been walking and was making his way into the Forest looking around. It was safe to say that the forest had been something that had been filled with darkness, and Ezra found it to be incredibly interesting. One of the few places at the castle that brought him joy.

After some walking he found himself at the edge of the forest, and as he was arriving he saw a figure. It lead him to narrow his eyes, and he asked. "Who are you?" to the figure. Hoping it wasn't a professor who was going to give him detention for venturing in the forest. Since he didn't feel like getting himself into any sort of trouble in the slightest. Or it getting back to his siblings.

@Dagger Vettel

Are you scared? ~ Ezra NQHfV9
Gryffindor Sixth Year
Catalina Calderon
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Are you scared? ~ Ezra Tumblr_inline_nyw17oAXes1szaa83_500
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Are you scared? ~ Ezra Tumblr_inline_nyw17boXIV1szaa83_500
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Dagger Vettel

Are you scared? ~ Ezra Empty Re: Are you scared? ~ Ezra

Post by Dagger Vettel Sat Oct 05, 2019 4:14 pm

Dagger continued to carve his name into the tree he was currently sitting in when he heard someone ask who he was. He looked down to see a red head looking up at him and smirked. "Dagger Vettel, who the hell are you?" He asked as he finished doing his master piece before jumping down and going face to face with the red head.

@Ezra Shaw

Are you scared? ~ Ezra 48845064931_f5e3517908_o
Thank you so much AJ from Shadowplay for the set!!
Dagger Vettel
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Are you scared? ~ Ezra Tumblr_p9dj7rJskk1t6rqx9o2_400
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Are you scared? ~ Ezra 000000
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Catalina Calderon

Are you scared? ~ Ezra Empty Re: Are you scared? ~ Ezra

Post by Catalina Calderon Mon Nov 18, 2019 12:35 am

Ezra didn't like arrogant asses, and guys who felt the need shit on people. Even if he was arrogant himself, but unlike them he was more disconnected from the world. His attention had been locked back to the person, and when he introduced as Dagger Vettel. The Slytheirn nodded, "Ezra Shaw, and what the hell are you doing out here? This place really isn't the place for the faint." he said before realizing that he was carving something in the tree. "What's that?" he asked with curiosity.

@Dagger Vettel

Are you scared? ~ Ezra NQHfV9
Gryffindor Sixth Year
Catalina Calderon
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Are you scared? ~ Ezra Tumblr_inline_nyw17oAXes1szaa83_500
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Are you scared? ~ Ezra Tumblr_inline_nyw17boXIV1szaa83_500
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Dagger Vettel

Are you scared? ~ Ezra Empty Re: Are you scared? ~ Ezra

Post by Dagger Vettel Sat Nov 23, 2019 6:40 pm

Dagger recognized the voice and posture of the fellow Slytherin, he was a year younger then Dagger and he wasn't someone Dagger would consider a friend of some kind. Dagger looked around before looking at the red head with a smirk. "I got really bored and wanted to see how long I could make it out here without having patrol catch me" Dagger answered before looking at his master piece. "Just a little something I carved in there, I thought it would be funny" Dagger answered.

@Ezra Shaw

Are you scared? ~ Ezra 48845064931_f5e3517908_o
Thank you so much AJ from Shadowplay for the set!!
Dagger Vettel
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Are you scared? ~ Ezra Tumblr_p9dj7rJskk1t6rqx9o2_400
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Are you scared? ~ Ezra 000000
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