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Azazel Baptist

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Azazel Baptist Empty Azazel Baptist

Post by Guest Mon Aug 12, 2019 11:37 am

Azazel Baptist Fef49ed74ed05a685d61c3a27a13a00b
Azazel Baptist Ruthbas
Name: Azazel Baptist
Nicknames: (If any)
Date of Birth: February 29, 2004
Age: 17
Blood Status: Pureblood
Hometown: London England
Current Home: Bristol England
Nationality: British
School:  Hogwarts
Sexual Orientation: homosexual
Wand: 8.75, Griffin bone , Dogwood

Azazel Baptist Ruthappe
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Straight and halfway down his back
Eye Color: grey
Body Type: Skinny and muscular
Height: 5'9
Other Distinguishing Features: Death Eater mark on his right shoulder and scars along his back from where his master hit him
Clothing Style: Baggy ripped jeans, loose tops and military boots

Azazel Baptist Ruthper
Azazel tends to stick to himself and does not seem to be out going. He is just afraid that if he gets close the person will end up leaving, or get hurt by the man he calls his master. He is very obedient and even ended a fling because he was told to even though he really thought that he had a connection with the boy. He loves the simple things like the feel of the wind against his face and the smell of rain. He dislikes not being able to do everything that he wants due to the restrictions that his master placed on him and not knowing where he came from. Azazel tends to smoke more when he gets nervous and does not realize that it is not appropriate for a sixteen year old to do that. He also at times has no self-control.

Azazel Baptist Ruthhist
I was given up as a young child and spent my childhood as an apprentice of a very cruel man. At the age of seven I already knew how to clean an entire house without any help. When I started to show that I had magic my master began to teach me curses and would often punish me when i got them wrong. I was scared of him, however he did have his moments where he showed that he did care for my well being though they were scarce. He would often give me a new pair of clothes for my birthday and take me out to restaurants but that was not without out the threat if I said one word out of line I would feel his belt when we got home.
By the end of my tenth year I knew more curses and charms then a student in their second year at the school called Hogwarts, which I would later attend. I however did not know this at the time and thought it was normal for a child of a wizard to know them at that young age. I also had no idea that I was being taught dark magic or that there even was a difference.

In the summer of two thousand eighteen, the fourteenth year of my life I fell in love. If one could call it that I just knew that for once I was happy. If it meant that I had to sneak out late at night to meet the boy of my affection I would without a second thought. We often would meet at an abandoned playground in the dead of night when we could. Other than that we would send owls to each other when we couldn't meet. However that came to an abrupt end when my master stumbled across an owl from him. He tore it up in my face before dragging me to the dungeon where he beat me and told me that I was not allowed to see the boy again. That night I tried to pack up my small amount of belongings and leave only to find out that he had set wards up for that very reason. After I was caught trying to escape I was chained to a wall for an entire week. I later found out that he had wrote letter to the boy and stating that it was over and we were never to be he signed it in my name and cast a spell to make it look my writing.

Last edited by Azazel Baptist on Mon Aug 12, 2019 12:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Azazel Baptist Empty Re: Azazel Baptist

Post by Guest Mon Aug 12, 2019 11:45 am

Azazel Baptist Tomaccepted

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