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Avalon Rudolph

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Avalon Rudolph

Avalon Rudolph Empty Avalon Rudolph

Post by Avalon Rudolph Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:36 pm

Avalon Rudolph Gwen
Avalon Rudolph PBNSj5
Name: Avalon Lucille Rudolph
Nicknames: Ava
Titles: N/A
Date of Birth: March 25
Age: 25
Blood Status: Half0blood
Hometown: Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England
Current Home: Hogsmeade
Nationality: English
School: Hogwarts
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Wand: Almond, unicorn hair core, 10 1/4", rigid

Avalon Rudolph PBNlTD
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair  Style:Mediumish, wavy
Eye Color: Hazel
Body Type: Slim, curvy
Height: 5'7
Other Distinguishing Features: A dragon tattoo on her lower back, a dragon tramp stamp in cruder terms
Clothing Style: Vintage, whatever she finds cute at secondhand shops

Avalon Rudolph PBNjDd
Avalon is often described as being quite upbeat and fun, sometimes even a bit loopy. She has always been one to daydream, so one could say that her imagination is quite vivid. She often puts her imagination to use through songwriting even though she has all of the songs she had written locked up due to feeling quite insecure about them. However, that doesn't stop her from wishing to pursue her dream of becoming a know singer, so Avalon often participates in whatever karaoke contest or night she can haul herself to. Avalon is also quite loyal when it comes to her friends and family; she could never see herself betraying the people she's trusted over the years. She, personally, wasn't too keen when it came to school, but she's unable to hate it entirely as it happened to be where she met her wife. Despite her lack of interest in school, Avalon did enjoy taking Herbology finding it to be her strongest subject. She did weaker in the subjects that was more involved in the use of magic as it was difficult for her to keep up with all of the expected work. Avalon would think of herself as being an optimist even though she often feels melancholy due to feeling as if she wasn't living up to whatever expectations her parents set out for her as she was the only one of her siblings to take on jobs that weren't the most prestigious.

Avalon Rudolph PBNaqq
-Youngest of 3 children
- Hufflepuff Alum
- A newlywed
- Wife was Hogwarts sweetheart (adorable)
- She's so modern she kept her surname
- In the day, she works part-time as a barista at a coffee shop. At night, she works as a bartender at the Fantasy Night Roller Rink
- She loves participating in karaoke nights at the roller rink
Avalon Rudolph
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Avalon Rudolph

Avalon Rudolph Empty Re: Avalon Rudolph

Post by Avalon Rudolph Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:13 am

Avalon Rudolph PBHfGf

Avalon Rudolph Tumblr_mhdfwsvOq41qzssrlo2_250
Avalon Rudolph
Mini Ava :
Avalon Rudolph 000000
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Avalon Rudolph 000000

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