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Brayden Clarke

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Brayden Clarke Empty Brayden Clarke

Post by Guest Sun Sep 10, 2017 9:06 pm

Brayden Clarke Tumblr_nam02b7Fe61twi08qo1_250

Brayden Clarke Ruthbasicsapp
Name: Brayden Hayden Clarke
Nicknames: ( if any )
Date of Birth:25 June 2003
Age: 17
Blood Status: Pureblood
Hometown: London, England
Current home: London or Hogwarts
Nationality: British
School: Hogwarts
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Wand: 12 inches, phoenix feather, Marple

Brayden Clarke Ruthappeaapp
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hair Style: Short, messy
Eye Color: Blue
Body Type: Slim, bit of muscular
Height: 5'8"
Other Distinguishing Features: N/A
Clothing Style: Mostly jeans, t-shirts and jackets.

Brayden Clarke Ruthpersapp
Bryaden who seems most of the time jerk and rude guy but actually deep down he is good boy. He actually cares about people feelings than he let's people around him to know. He isn't really very good at sharing what he really thinks. He tends to use a lot of sarcasm with people, more than he himself realises. It just seems to happen.

He is actually brave boy, who loves to take risk. He also seems to love parties and other things like that. He is actually very loyal towards people he trusts. Mostly it's his family and close friends. He also loves to help others at times but this side comes out barely. He is very stubborn and selfish for sure too.

Brayden Clarke Ruthfamapp
Mother's Name: Beatrice Clarke
Age: 40
Blood Status/Species: Pureblood
Occupation: Healer
Status: Living

Father's Name: Brandon Clarke
Age: 41
Blood Status/Species: Pureblood
Occupation: Auror
Status: Living

Younger Sister's Name: Braelyn Clarke
Age: 13
Blood Status/Species: Pureblood
Occupation: Hogwarts Student
Status: Living

Brayden Clarke Ruthhistapp
Brayden was born as the first and only son to Brandon and Beatrice Clarke. When he was an only child until his baby sister Braelyn was born he seemed to get lots of attention for his parents. They always tried to spoil him with things and always be there for him. But when he was four things changed a bit. He wasn't anymore always the center of attention since some attention did go for his sister too, who she at first hated for it. They also were so much different. Also, they had four years apart and were already interested in different things back then.

Over years somehow Brayden did get closer with her sister actually. Over years she became closer to her. They began to spend time together. Even if they were so different, he still loved her deep down. Even if he wasn't good at showing it out. He has never really been that good at showing out his feelings towards people. He just isn't sure how to do it most of the time, well to those who he seems to care about. He is afraid to hurt their feelings at times or then lose what he has with them. There was even a time when he became protective over his sister Braelyn and still is. He just too scared to lose her.

The boy was home schooled and never didn't attend to any Muggle schools even if he managed to have some Muggle friends for himself. He didn't care about blood purity that much. Even if he could be a jerk or selfish at times he was still deep inside good person who cared about people feelings. He might always show it out to people. He has always been good at making friends. Even before Hogwarts, he did meet his current best friend Daxton. They became friends easily and he is one person who showed him the side of being the jerk and so on.

Over years he did even meet siblings of Daxton and he even liked them. He was a good friend to all of them. Daxton has been his only and longest best friend, he won't changes it never. He just likes to spend time with him, even if he might not be the nicest person for sure but Brayden doesn't care much about it. He seems to love to get in trouble or talk them out of it even if he knows lying isn't a good idea. He likes, to tell the truth, most of the time but at times he even seems to lie for those people he cares about. Just it happens like this. He doesn't mean anything by that.

Anyways years have passed and Brayden got a letter from Hogwarts and he knew he will get one since he was five. He was sad that he will have to spend some time apart from his best friend since being one year older than him mean he needed to spend his first year in Hogwarts alone. Some friends who were muggles he told he will attend to some kind of boarding school where he won't be reached for awhile but he will come home for holidays.

Well his first year there wasn't really that fun but he managed to make some new friends there but he didn't find himself a new best friend. He managed to even keep his grades up somehow, he actually is smarter than he seems to be. He did always his homework away at last minute. He didn't really enjoy doing them. He more likely wanted to spend time with his new friends or then get in trouble and talk him out of them. He managed to get even few detentions in the first year there. His holidays and summer were spent at home with his old friends and his best friend.  

Well, his second year was so much fun for sure since his best friend was there with him now. Even if yeah he still had some other friends in Hogwarts now. Still, he did seem to do her homework away at last minute. Even this year he managed to get some detentions.

Well, his years were spent with his friends and not doing much of his homework. He still somehow managed to pass his classes. At times his brains seemed to help him out since he is smarter than he shows out most of the time. He just doesn't wanna be the center of attention for being smart.

Last year Brayden did realize he has a crush on his best friend sister Lainee but he hasn't really admitted it to anyone yet. Not even his best friend. He has no idea how he will even take this. Brayden seems to be someone who plays with girl's hearts but he just someone who is too scared to admit his own feelings to only one girl who he actually truly loves. So he tries to make it be okay with some other way. He and Lainee are actually quite close too which makes it even harder for him now after the summer.

Right in last year of Hogwarts years, he has decided that he should admit his feelings for her, no matter what. He needs to take the courage and do it since he can't keep hiding it forever.

Brayden Clarke Ruthfamhistapp
Clarke family is halfblood family what isn't so known for sure. They haven't really been noticed much around the world for sure. But they have been around centuries for sure. They mostly live here in England but there are some relatives all around the world too.

Beatrice and Brandon did meet awhile they were in Hogwarts. They actually did even love back there. They got married soon after they had graduated. But had Brayden few years after they had found a jobs and had made some career for few years. This didn't stop them having a family. They loved their work and the baby boy.

Four years after Brayden was born Braelyn. Their baby girl who they did love too. They didn't want to have any more kids after that and they haven't really had anymore. They found that two kids are okay. Even two can be a handful for sure. They now when both kids are in Hogwarts seems to focus more on their own careers as being Auror and Healer.

Last edited by Brayden Clarke on Sun Sep 10, 2017 9:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Brayden Clarke Empty Re: Brayden Clarke

Post by Guest Sun Sep 10, 2017 9:13 pm

Brayden Clarke Ruthacceptednew

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