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Indigo Macmillan

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Post by Indigo Macmillan Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:33 pm

Indigo had written to the headmistress, Professor Voclain, explaining that there was a family emergency. He wasn't too heavy on the details, but he made it very clear that something had happened that required Hyacinth's presence that weekend. The request was accepted, and Hyacinth had permission to be at home for the duration of the weekend.

He had also written to both of his sisters asking that they come, and emphasised the importance. He didn't want them thinking it was just a casual get together. Hopefully all their other plans would be put on hold so they would come.

He had already made tea for everyone, and charmed it so that it wouldn't go cold. Their parents were out at the moment, but there was a chance they would come back at some point. He just hoped, at the end of all this, they would still be a close family.

@Hyacinth Macmillan @Poppy Macmillan @Amaryllis Macmillan
Ministry Worker
Indigo Macmillan
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Hyacinth Macmillan

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Post by Hyacinth Macmillan Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:37 pm

Macmillan was actually surprised that Indigo really managed to get him out of the dorms for the weekend. He had to let Lakelyn know that they couldn't meet up at the pool during the duration which was the only thing that bummed him out.

Having been in one of the bathrooms, he walked out and joined his brother. "Are you ever going to try a flavor that isn't Earl Grey?" Patches between them had been smoothed, but they still gave each other a hard time.

When were their sisters going to show up? Macmillan really did not want to wait forever.

@Indigo Macmillan
Ravenclaw Seventh Year
Hyacinth Macmillan
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Ben Jelen
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Amaryllis Macmillan

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Post by Amaryllis Macmillan Wed Oct 28, 2020 9:09 pm

When Amaryllis had gotten the owl that she needed to take the weekend off and come back to the family home for the weekend, she had been worried. What was going on? No one in her family had ever requested that she take time off. It was always her own choice to do so because she wanted to be with her family. This was out of the ordinary and made her worry if mother or father might be ill or something. She had been a bit distracted all day at work, but finally it was time for her to leave and she went straight to her family home, she didn't even bother changing out of her work clothes as she apparated home.

She pushed the door of the house open, not knocking since she had never had to knock. "What's going on? Please tell me mother or father aren't ill?" There was no hellos or anything as it was clear that she was worried. Indigo didn't just send out owls requesting their presence for no reason.

@Indigo Macmillan @Hyacinth Macmillan
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Amaryllis Macmillan
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Poppy Macmillan

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Post by Poppy Macmillan Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:04 pm

Oh Poppy was nervous, like really nervous, making sure that her wedding band stayed at home. Not even knowing where to start with that. Ever since leaving Elysia in the hotel room after they.. Well got married and had a wild night it would seem if the bruises that had been on her body was any constellation, thankfully they were gone and Poppy could be seen by her siblings again.

Knowing she needed to head over to her family home, she took a deep breath before opening the door and hearing the conversation and went towards it. "I have arrived my lovely siblings, what is it that we were summoned here today for?" Poppy asked, did they know?

@"Indiago Macmillan" @Amaryllis Macmillan @"Hycinath Macmillan"

family meeting (macmillans) FHs4x5
Thank you so much Debbie from Shadowplay for the set!!
Poppy Macmillan
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