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Skin made and designed by Xaria with the help of Necromancer Coding. The Switcheroo is by Monomer. Badges on the site were sourced from Flaticon on a premium subscription. Images used throughout the site are from Unsplash. The Harry Potter universe was created by JK Rowling and is co-owned by Warner Bros. No copyright infringement is intended.

mom's night out ((open))

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Madison Shaw

mom's night out ((open)) Empty mom's night out ((open))

Post by Madison Shaw Wed Nov 20, 2019 2:19 am

Maddie hadn't been going out in sometime, and thought it couldn't hurt to drop in at their father's pub. She had wanted to get drunk and enjoy herself. Sure Kai wouldn't mind, because she had been being a mum way too much and needed to let loose. Entering the bar, Maddie took a seat and she had decided she'd get a glass of gin. "May I have a glass of gin with some vodka?" she asked.

The bartender went and got her a drink, and she gave a smile. Taking a sip she looked at the closest person and she said. "You come here often?" hoping to have some fun.

mom's night out ((open)) Original
Madison Shaw
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Adrien Morais

mom's night out ((open)) Empty Re: mom's night out ((open))

Post by Adrien Morais Sat Nov 23, 2019 6:37 pm

JT had no idea what he was doing in this bar, but he was here and he was beyond shocked. This was the last time his buddy dragged him somewhere without telling him, he was beyond pissed off. As JT sat at the bar drinking his jack and coke, he heard a female voice talking to him. JT looked at her and shook his head. "Nope, first time" was how he replied.

@Madison Shaw
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