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Skin made and designed by Xaria with the help of Necromancer Coding. The Switcheroo is by Monomer. Badges on the site were sourced from Flaticon on a premium subscription. Images used throughout the site are from Unsplash. The Harry Potter universe was created by JK Rowling and is co-owned by Warner Bros. No copyright infringement is intended.food cravings ((open))
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Sadie Cavendish-Belvedere
food cravings ((open))
Sadie hated that the idea of being an official mum had been nearing. She had managed to get back with him we’ll try too. And the idea of living with him scared the shit out of her, everything scared all the shit out of her. She had been seven months pregnant and the fact that she was showing had been crazy she never thought she’d being having a baby belly. It was weird and she had touched it everything had been so weird. Although the downfall had been the cravings.
She had managed to go to Hogsmeade and with the money she had the witch wanted to get something. It had been a long time since she had even gone too Hogsmeade, her life was London and Diagon Alley, it was a lot and she walked into the sweet shop. Scoping around the witch walked around with her hand on stomach she didn’t know what to get.
The witch had hoped that she didn’t run into anyone, all she wanted was her candy than she was going back home and she didn’t feel like getting hell for getting back with Leonides she was not about that and she didn’t want to be a bitch. Although if anyone was she would gladly be it back and she got herself candies ranging from chocolate frogs to pumpkin pastries.
She made her way to the register and hoped no one would come.
She had managed to go to Hogsmeade and with the money she had the witch wanted to get something. It had been a long time since she had even gone too Hogsmeade, her life was London and Diagon Alley, it was a lot and she walked into the sweet shop. Scoping around the witch walked around with her hand on stomach she didn’t know what to get.
The witch had hoped that she didn’t run into anyone, all she wanted was her candy than she was going back home and she didn’t feel like getting hell for getting back with Leonides she was not about that and she didn’t want to be a bitch. Although if anyone was she would gladly be it back and she got herself candies ranging from chocolate frogs to pumpkin pastries.
She made her way to the register and hoped no one would come.
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