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It's Me Obviously (Sharon)

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It's Me Obviously (Sharon) Empty It's Me Obviously (Sharon)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 13, 2019 4:12 pm

Out of all the people he could have had he got a first year and it was also a female. He had no idea what to get someone so young and was a girl, now if it was a boy he would have a better understanding but he didn't. He went to one of his friends that were girls for some kind of advice and he had gotten some kind idea and decided to go with that. He wrote to his Secret Santa and waited for her.

@Sharon Warrender

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It's Me Obviously (Sharon) Empty Re: It's Me Obviously (Sharon)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 13, 2019 4:18 pm

Sharon was surprised when she was asked to meet some older boy at Music Room. She wasn't really sure what this about at first but she thought he could be her Secret Santa. So the girl decided to show up there. She walked into the room. "Hello?" she asked with a small smile. She didn't really expect anything great from here since yeah they had such big age difference.

@Ezekiel Brydges

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It's Me Obviously (Sharon) Empty Re: It's Me Obviously (Sharon)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:39 pm

He was sitting on a bench by the piano and watched as a young Gryffindor girl walked into the music room and smirked. "Hi, I am your secret santa. I know I am a dude so don't hate the gift" Ezekiel joked.

@Sharon Warrender

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It's Me Obviously (Sharon) Empty Re: It's Me Obviously (Sharon)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 13, 2019 10:48 pm

Sharon walked over the boy and smiled when he spoke now. She listened to what was said. "Oh okay thanks for trying at least," she said with a small smile. She wasn't sure what he meant was joke or not. "What is even in my gift?" she had to ask.

@Ezekiel Brydges

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It's Me Obviously (Sharon) Empty Re: It's Me Obviously (Sharon)

Post by Guest Mon Oct 14, 2019 9:39 pm

Ezekiel was glad that she at least didn't mind that he was her secret Santa, the Gryffindor smiled at the girl before reaching on top of the piano and grabbing the medium sized bag off the top and handing it to the young girl. "I hope you like it" Ezekiel waited to see what she thought.

Gift 1

gift 2

gift 3

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It's Me Obviously (Sharon) Empty Re: It's Me Obviously (Sharon)

Post by Guest Thu Oct 24, 2019 9:50 am

Sharon smiled and took the medium-sized bag from the boy. She looked into the bag and smiled. She wasn't really sure what to with make-up yet since she didn't use it yet much but it might useful in the future. "Oh, wow. Thanks. This is a very interesting gift for sure. You shouldn't have spent so much money on it," she said there with a small smile. "I was actually in need of new brush, I lost my old one recently," she said with giggles now.

@Ezekiel Brydges

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It's Me Obviously (Sharon) Empty Re: It's Me Obviously (Sharon)

Post by Guest Thu Oct 24, 2019 5:03 pm

Ezekiel was glad to at least know that the young girl liked her gifts. He was so clueless when it came to buying females gifts. "Don't worry about it, it's Christmas and it's the holiday to give. So I really do hope you enjoy them" Ezekiel said with a smirk.

@Sharon Warrender

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It's Me Obviously (Sharon) Empty Re: It's Me Obviously (Sharon)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 27, 2019 11:20 am

Sharon smiled and nodded her head there now. This boy was very generous for sure. "Thanks still. I will enjoy them yes," she said with a smile on her face. She probably should leave now. "Okay, I think I should go now. Thanks again for the gifts," she added and was about to leave.

@Ezekiel Brydges

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It's Me Obviously (Sharon) Empty Re: It's Me Obviously (Sharon)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 27, 2019 4:42 pm

Ezekiel saw that she was in fact happy with her presents and when she said she was going to go he nodded. "Have a good day" he said to the younger girl.

@Sharon Warrender

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It's Me Obviously (Sharon) Empty Re: It's Me Obviously (Sharon)

Post by Guest Fri Nov 08, 2019 9:27 am

Sharon smiled. "You too," she said and left the room to go back to her dorm room. There wasn't really no point to stick around anymore.

@Ezekiel Brydges

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