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Lily Potter

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Lily Potter 2

Lily Potter  Empty Lily Potter

Post by Lily Potter 2 Fri Oct 11, 2019 9:08 am

Lily Potter  MV5BNDgzZGI0ZmEtM2ZkNi00ZTk4LTg1ZGMtYTUwZmZkN2JiMmQxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjk1NTYzMDM@._V1_


Name: Lily Luna Potter
Nicknames: some people might get away with calling Lily Lu but only if they are close to her.
Titles: N/A
Date of Birth: 1st August
Age: 12
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Hometown: Bath, England
Current Home: Bath, England
Nationality: English
School: Hogwarts
Sexual Orientation: Experimenting ("Annoying Dad")
Wand: Cypress, Manticore hair, 14 1/4", springy


Hair Color: Red
Hair Style: Long generally in a ponytail.
Eye Color: green
Body Type: Skiny
Height: 4 foot 3inches
Other Distinguishing Features: freckles
Clothing Style: jeans, shorts, t-shirts and sometimes dress or skirts.  


Lily is obsessed with not being seen to be her own person.  She was named for her dead grandmother and is constantly referred to as being Harry Potter's Daughter.  There have been times when she wished she was a boy because then she would have just been his third son and not as important, or she wished her parents had have had another girl as well to take some of the pressure of her in that aspect.

She fears that things will always be expected of her though, she will never be allowed to simply be good at what she is or do what she wants and this has lead her to act out.  She doesnt always pat attention in class even, often deciding that planning a prank might be more important, especially if the class is boring.  

She is sassy at times even to the point of cruelty, though she has to squash the side of herself that hates that she hurt someone.


Mum told me that this would help but I feel even more annoyed now then I did before because I don't even know what to write.  Albus joined James at Hogwarts today and I reallllllly want to go but I am only 9 and still have another 2 more years.  That's another two more years to wait.  Though I suppose I have Hugo.

Okay, maybe I do have something to say after all.  But can you really blame me?  I am you have to know who I am right?
Surely you have heard of my father, Harry Potter.  When I say my name it's like I don't have an identity.  I am just his daughter. And thats not even mentioning that my name isnt even really my own.  I have heard the conversations to my father on hiw i look like her too and i have seen the photo of her.  Her being the grandmother i never knew.  The grandmother whos name i now have and never asked for.

Will my life ever be my own?

I got my finally.  Not that I doubted.  I have known for years that I was a witch but I am just so glad to be going.  Maybe things could be different there.  I might be able to find myself rather then just Harry's daughter.  Either way I decided last year that the only way to get out of dad's shadow was to make my own name so I have been trying that ever since.  I am not sure dad approves of my new style.

I never thought I would be sitting in the castle on my first night here feeling any sort of disappointment.  Hogwarts is and isn't everything I hoped it would be, though that could be because I don't think I can out run being Harry Potter's daughter but now it has the competition of being Albus or James' sister.  Will I ever be seen as Lily?  Or will I be just some other nameless Potter?

Lily Potter 2
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Discordia Lestrange

Lily Potter  Empty Re: Lily Potter

Post by Discordia Lestrange Fri Oct 11, 2019 2:14 pm


Lily Potter  Original
Ravenclaw Seventh Year
Discordia Lestrange
Mini Ava :
Lily Potter  Tumblr_pt27c49OJn1w3mpkdo5_400
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7th year
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Krystal Jung
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Lily Potter  000000
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Made 200 Posts
Studies Dark Magic
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Favorite Season: Winter

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