Running Up That Hill
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September 2020
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Sapphira Zabini

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Post by Sapphira Zabini Wed Sep 18, 2019 2:17 pm

It was breakfast time in the Great Hall, and Sapphira was up earlier than usual. At this time in the morning, there wasn't many students awake. Students didn't seem to be seated at their correct house tables, and we instead sitting near their friends from other houses. So far, Sapphira couldn't say that she'd made many friends at all... it wasn't a very good feeling, really.

So, feeling like she now had an opportunity to meet someone from a different house, she choose the Ravenclaw table to sit that morning. Older slytherins often said that ravenclaws were the better house, compared to the others. So, she was going to take that advice.

She helped herself to some toast and butter, hoping someone else may join her.

@Sebastian Lyons
Slytherin Fourth Year
Sapphira Zabini
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Sebastian Lyons

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Post by Sebastian Lyons Wed Sep 18, 2019 10:24 pm

Sebastian had been up early and wanted to get some breakfast in him. He wanted to a bit of reading before his classes started. And it was hard because the library seemed to be packed after the breakfast hour, and he entered the Great Hall. He took a look around and he had made his way to a table and saw a Slytherin student sitting, and he asked. "You mind if I join you?" the Ravenclaw asked. Hoping she did not get mad at him for wanting to join her.

@Sapphira Zabini
Ravenclaw Second Year
Sebastian Lyons
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Sapphira Zabini

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Post by Sapphira Zabini Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:05 pm

Sapphira didn't know how she felt about boys yet. In her biased opinion, they were very dirty creatures. However, this boy seemed fairly clean. Her eyes took in the length of him, and after the short deliberation, she broke into a friendly smile.

"Yes, go ahead."

She supposed she should keep an open mind about these things. Boys could be her friends, she supposed. "You're in first year, aren't you?" She asked, hopefully. "I am... but I'm still feeling a little lost here, if I'm being honest." She gave herself brownie points for sounding very well educated and smart with the clear, received way she spoke.

@Sebastian Lyons
Slytherin Fourth Year
Sapphira Zabini
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Sebastian Lyons

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Post by Sebastian Lyons Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:28 pm

Sebastian took a seat when the girl told him too and he looked up. “Thank you. I’m Sebastian.” he said with a smile. And when she spoke next about she had to say he nodded in agreement, “I feel you as the big kids are kind of scary. For me I mostly been ghost hunting and exploring. Might as well educate myself more than the older students,” he said with a little chuckle.

“If you want an adventure buddy I’ll gladly abide and not make you feel so lost.” he said with a shrug. Trying to make conversation.

@“Sapphira Zabini”
Ravenclaw Second Year
Sebastian Lyons
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Sapphira Zabini

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Post by Sapphira Zabini Sat Dec 07, 2019 2:22 pm

She didn’t know what to make of exploring, ghost hunting or adventuring. Ghost hunting sounded particularly dull, as she had no interest in the spectres that bounced around the castle annoying everyone with their anecdotes. She had just learnt that word - anecdotes.

”I don’t know, that sounds messy,” She said primly, ”But I would like someone to go around the castle with. There must be an easier way to get to the charms classroom than what I’ve experienced.”

So that was all she was interested in... short cuts to classrooms...
Slytherin Fourth Year
Sapphira Zabini
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