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Alexia Regas

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Post by Alexia Regas Sat Aug 31, 2019 12:05 am

Alexia decided that after classes she would go and practice some archery. Since the grounds were way too occupied for her to do it. So the witch had brought on some of the targets she had in her dorm room and been aiming towards the target. Shooting and getting a bullzeye within the first time. The witch let out a smirk and she soon was interrupted by footsteps, and she looked. "Who's there?" she asked within the distance curious who was around

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Hufflepuff Sixth Year
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Fred Weasley II

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Post by Fred Weasley II Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:23 pm

He didn't answer. Not yet.

He kept out of sight, and aimed his .22 caliber rifle at one of those measly targets. It hit a ring out from the middle, and he cursed loudly. Not a great key for an introduction.

Stepping out from the shrubbery, looking slightly embarrassed but swinging his rifle back against his neck and elbows like a pro, he smiled glumly at the student girl. "Think I'm supposed to tell ya off for bein' 'ere."

@Alexia Regas
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Alexia Regas

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Post by Alexia Regas Thu Sep 19, 2019 1:29 am

Lexi had gotten nervous when she saw the school gamekeeper. She didn't need to get trouble with school just barely starting, and she said. "I'm sorry, Mr. Weasley. I just find it much more peaceful to have target practice out instead of the school grounds. It's ashame that Hogwarts doesn't offer much dedicating to Archery, and I know it's dangerous, out here." she said as she bit her lip.

"Is staff only allowed out here?" she asked knowing it was a stupid question. But it seemed fair that neither should be allowed to go out. Only the headmaster and those who were higher up being out in the Forbidden Forest, but she knew it didn't stop people from venturing out.

@Fred Weasley II
Hufflepuff Sixth Year
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Fred Weasley II

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Post by Fred Weasley II Thu Sep 19, 2019 6:18 pm

"Uh... Fred's fine, seriously..." He waved away her formality. As much as it was nice to hear good manners, he preferred the students call him my first name.

"Welp," He began, "That's probably 'cause you're the only one who's decent at it. Tell ya what though, I'll see what I can do about gettin' ya some targets set up somewhere." As the gamekeeper, he could probably pull a few strings. So long as everything was safely practised, he didn't know why they should disallow it.

"Oh - yep. Staff only. And the resident werewolves." He teased her, smirking. "I'm not gonna tell the teachers though, so don't worry. Anyways. What's with the archery interest?" It was pretty cool.

@Alexia Regas
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Alexia Regas

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Post by Alexia Regas Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:52 pm

Alexia had to say his lack of formality definitely made him more comfortable to talk too and she said, “Well sorry, Fred it’s just some professors would have a fit if you didn’t call them with formalities.” she said with a shrug it was definitely annoying. But she guessed when you did years of training it came as an insult to what they could do. Giving a confident smile at him telling her she was the only decent one, “Thanks that really means something, because like students play Quidditch I do archery.” she said giving a look at her bow.

It meant the world to her doing archery.

She gave another smile when he told her he’ll see about getting some targets up. “You don’t have too, even if I’m sure a ton of kids would in many words enjoy it.” she said with a chuckle, “But thank you, it does mean a lot, I really don’t like being in this forest. It’s not exactly fit for someone like me.” she said with a chuckle.

Raising an eyebrow at his next comment, “So is there where kids go to change on a full moon same goes for professors?” she said as it all sounded very shocking to her. But also the best place for them, “Please don’t I don’t need my parents on my back for getting in trouble with archery. And it’s been something I loved ever since I was a child. I actually had the option to go to Beauxbatons, where they have a lot of archery opportunities.” she said giving a sigh.

@“Fred Weasley II”
Hufflepuff Sixth Year
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Fred Weasley II

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Post by Fred Weasley II Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:05 am

"Uh... I dunno about that..." He scratched his head thoughtfully, and put down his rifle so that it was resting against a tree. "Maybe they're Hogsmeade residents or somethin'. Might be a pack that actually live out there. This forest is pretty huge, but I've only come across red caps an' annoying buggers like that."

Fred shrugged at her, and smiled.

"I ain't gonna tell your parents. Don't think they'll take me too seriously anyways," He reasoned, smirking, "Can ya coat the tips of those things with poison?" Fred asked, looking at her quiver.

@Alexia Regas
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Alexia Regas

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Post by Alexia Regas Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:41 pm

Alexia had to say Fred was definitely interesting, and was thankful he didn’t get her in trouble. “Oh really? How would Hogsmeade resident even get here, if you don’t mind me asking?” she said looking toward the light. “Isn’t the only way to access the forest through the school grounds? Or is there an entry way by Hogsmeade?” she said raising an eyebrow it didn’t make much sense.

“If you don’t mind me asking what are are red caps? They some type of creature?” Alexia asked having never heard of them. Then again she didn’t know what was all in the forest. His response about her parents, made Alexia confused he was a staff member after all, “Why you say that? Your a staff member after all? Why wouldn’t they take you seriously?” she asked. It didn’t make much sense, and it left her curious. His next response, she looked down at her quiver. “I suppose you could, never thought of it. I’m not exactly the most adapt at Potion making. So I wouldn’t know, but if you don’t mind, why do you ask?” she asked with an eyebrow raised.

@“Fred Weasley II”
Hufflepuff Sixth Year
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