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Asriel Denzel

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Asriel Denzel

Asriel Denzel Empty Asriel Denzel

Post by Asriel Denzel Tue Aug 13, 2019 2:42 pm

Asriel Denzel MV5BYmMxZWI2NWYtOTI3Mi00MTA1LTg5MTktYjQ4ZjU1ODMxMmQyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDUxODkyNTM@._V1_UY317_CR168,0,214,317_AL_
Asriel Denzel Ruthbas
Name: Asriel Denzel
Date of Birth: January 1st
Age: 11
Blood Status: Halfblood
Hometown: Wuhan, China
Current Home: London, England (Room in the Leaky Cauldron)
Nationality: Mixed (Japanese, Chinese, British)
School: Hogwarts
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Wand: Cherry wood & unicorn hair, 10"

Asriel Denzel Ruthappe
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: usually keeps it about short to medium-short length
Eye Color: brown
Body Type: Slim
Height: 4'8
Other Distinguishing Features:
Clothing Style: He's not that picky, he just likes to be comfortable so will wear anything as long as it's not stifling.

Asriel Denzel Ruthper

Asriel despite how he grew up traveling place to place with no real permanence is still very much a naive and innocent child. He's a curious kid with a penchant of asking questions he shouldn't. Friendly enough and loves dressing up and costumes. Likes to wander off and doesn't seem to have a sense of self preservation or 'stranger danger'. He can be shy but isn't when he wants to know something or even just to meet someone or ask for help. Has a bit of a habit of taking things that doesn't belong to him. He claims its because they're keepsakes for memories. Has a good imagination and had learned to entertain himself. Music has always drawn him as well, so he began to try learning instruments.

While he's open to most things, the subject of his mother is still a bit touchy. As a child he'd accepted that he wouldn't know her and traveling with his father had always been good enough. While he acts and puts on a front that it doesn't bother him and its just a fact, it still stings him deep down and confuses him that he's not even sure what he truly feels about the subject.

Asriel Denzel Ruthhist
Asriel's father Eiji traveled a lot when he left Hogwarts after a brief stint in Japan. While he was traveling he stopped in China where he came across Asriel's mother Meihui. They traveled together for awhile before returning to China. Asriel was born in Wuhan but has never known his mother, or at least that he knows of. She left when he was a baby so his father raised him. While Eiji usually tells Asriel what he wants to know about himself or his family, he doesn't talk about Asriel's mother. Then only thing he knows about his mother was her name and that she was a pureblood. Nor has he ever seen his grandmother on his father's side only being told that it was better that way. Only his father knows why they up and moved one day deciding to come to England but Asriel saw it as an adventure and used to traveling about with no real destination.

Asriel might have thought it was strange, but it was the only life he's ever known. Eiji never trusted anyone with Asriel, so the boy grew up going to work with his father and learning how to hide. He was given games to keep him occupied until it was time to go home. They moved around a lot and it was from his father and not a school that he learned most everything he knows. It wasn't until their move to England, that their had been talk of sending him to an actual school. Nothing came of it and he'd continued to be 'home schooled' until his letter came from Hogwarts. Both father and son had talked about it and decided it was best for him to attend the school. It would not only help Asriel to socialize better with children his own age, but the boy thought it would be good for his father as well.
Hufflepuff Fifth Year
Asriel Denzel
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Asriel Denzel Empty Re: Asriel Denzel

Post by Guest Tue Aug 13, 2019 2:50 pm

Asriel Denzel Tomaccepted

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