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eye of the storm (faolan)

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Jason Heartbane

eye of the storm (faolan) Empty eye of the storm (faolan)

Post by Jason Heartbane Thu Nov 12, 2020 3:05 am

Jason threw curses at anyone who came in way and giving them dark shouts. He’d be a lot fucking damned if that Finnigan child got away or he didn’t find him. The man had thrown a spell at a person, “Nebula!” he shouted as he watched a pile of smoke get in the way and he grinned. How truly satisfying and he then shouted. “Ventus.” he shouted at the person with a smirk.

@Faolan Finnigan

eye of the storm (faolan) E831f4d34d6cd77b15b4184bee94fba8
Jason Heartbane
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Faolan Finnigan

eye of the storm (faolan) Empty Re: eye of the storm (faolan)

Post by Faolan Finnigan Fri Nov 13, 2020 2:05 pm

Faolan was just glad to be able to have gotten Emerald to safety. He had been worried about her and apparently he had had good reason. Now he knew that he had to find his family, his sisters and his parents. They had to be here somewhere! Just as he made it through the streets, he was nearly hit by someone as they flew through the air, thrown back by a curse. He turned to see who had sent the curse and saw a man he didn't recognize. He had no issues with the man, he just wanted to find his family and ensure they were safe.

@Jason Heartbane
Gryffindor Seventh Year
Faolan Finnigan
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Jason Heartbane

eye of the storm (faolan) Empty Re: eye of the storm (faolan)

Post by Jason Heartbane Fri Nov 13, 2020 2:32 pm

Jason eyed the boy and he smirked it sounded like the appearance he was given or more so had remembered someone describe. He pointed his wand, ”Langlock.” and then shouted again. ”Impedimenta.” there was no way in hell he was failing.

@Faolan Finnigan

eye of the storm (faolan) E831f4d34d6cd77b15b4184bee94fba8
Jason Heartbane
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Faolan Finnigan

eye of the storm (faolan) Empty Re: eye of the storm (faolan)

Post by Faolan Finnigan Tue Nov 17, 2020 3:55 pm

Faolan had his wand out and was able to throw up a quick protection spell to block the first spell from landing but by the time he had blocked that one, the second followed soon after. He felt his body slowing down. It was much more difficult to move, but he knew that he had to push through. He had to find Sibby, Aisling, his parents. He tried to still use his wand to send a spell in the man's direction. "Stupefy!"

@Jason Heartbane
Gryffindor Seventh Year
Faolan Finnigan
Mini Ava :
eye of the storm (faolan) Lucky-blue-lucky
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eye of the storm (faolan) 000000
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