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Rhesus Carrow
Jenna Bishop
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Blake Kennedy

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Post by Blake Kennedy Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:25 pm

Blake enjoyed being back at Hogwarts because that meant he could throw parties. After the last party that was thrown it was probably rare to see someone throw a party. It didn't phase the Ravenclaw in the slightest and what better to show the people who tried to make the good things in life bad, that nothing was stopping them. He had been planning the party ever since he returned to Hogwarts and spent most of his day setting up the party, Blake managed to pay a bartender in Hogsmeade to get the drinks. Coming from a rich family had made throwing things easy for him. Once everything was set up, Blake got ready himself and looked at himself in one of the mirrors. When it came close to the start of the party, the boy got a drink and sat at the bar of the party. He instructed the DJ who was at the party to begin playing music. He waited for the guests to arrive.

The Room
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Ravenclaw Seventh Year
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Jenna Bishop

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Post by Jenna Bishop Thu Nov 16, 2017 1:55 am

Jenna had mixed feelings about attending this party and was worried it would end like the last one. Despite not really wanting to go she knew that she needed social skills. Entering the party, she saw the host Blake Kennedy sitting at the bar already drink. It seemed that Blake cared more about getting drunk than anything else. Aside from having distaste, the girl had to say that party did look pretty cool and fit the nightclub feeling and she walked over to Blake. "How did you manage to make this look like an actual nightclub?" she said hoping for a good answer.
Ravenclaw Seventh Year
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Post by Guest Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:07 am

Dru entered the party already half-drunk and knew that he would get more. He strolled over to one of the seats as he took a seat watching two people talking over by the bar, and he let out a small smile. Maybe tonight he would manage to get laid and end up showing up with a hangover to his classes. The boy sat back in the seat waiting.

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Rhesus Carrow

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Post by Rhesus Carrow Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:10 am

Rhesus loved going to parties because it would be a hotbed of drama. Something that he loved to mock, and entering the party he saw that three people were already in and he smirked. "I thought more would show up now." walking over to the bar where he saw two people speaking to each other, the Slytherin looked over at the two. "Which one of you are the host?" asked Rhesus as he was ordering himself a drink.
Slytherin Seventh Year
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Post by Guest Thu Nov 16, 2017 10:43 pm

Abeline entered the room of requirement and smiled a bit to herself. A few other students had arrived, including Rhesus Carrow and Drustan Lestrange. Is Drustan was here she knew it would not be long before Mckenna Rivers arrived. As if by magic the door opened behind her and Mckenna entered and walked over to Drustan

Mckenna smiled and kissed Drustans cheek "Hello love." She said before moving a strand of hair behind her ear "I thought you would be here. Im glad you are. Its the only reason I came." She said with a laugh before grabbing a cup of punch and sipping it

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Post by Guest Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:15 pm

He felt someone kiss his cheek and turned to see McKenna, "I would never miss a party love." he said giving her a grin. Hoping that she wouldn't smell the alcohol that was on his breath already. The person who threw the party had been a rare breed of Ravenclaws who was a Slytherin at heart. "The host of this is quite the party planner," he said as a compliment to Kennedy. "I am everyone's reasons to do things Rivers."

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Rhesus Carrow

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Post by Rhesus Carrow Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:19 pm

He got distracted by the fact that two girls came into the party, and one of them was a fellow Slytherin. Watching the other girl go over and join Drustan, Rhesus let out a smirk. Walking over to the other girl hoping to speak to members of his own house, Rhesus let out a small smile on his face. "You're the first Slytherin, aside from my friend Dru to come."
Slytherin Seventh Year
Rhesus Carrow
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Catalina Calderon

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Post by Catalina Calderon Fri Nov 17, 2017 12:15 am

Ezra didn't know what to think once he heard about a possible party. Something that would more than likely be the only time he could have that did not involve tagging siblings along. He made his way up to the Room of Requirement and let out a small smile on his face as the door opened leaving him to see something that looked definitely not like any other party. How did someone manage to make it look like an actual party, the Hufflepuff couldn't understand. He walked over to the snake bar as he took some of them and began to eat, hoping someone would notice him.
Gryffindor Sixth Year
Catalina Calderon
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Post by Guest Fri Nov 17, 2017 12:51 pm

Alice entered the party and looked around. She didnt see any of her friends yet and that made her feel awkward and vulnerable. SO she just went to the table full of drinks and snacks and grabbed a cup and chugged it without seeing what it was. Whatever it was, it made her stomach feel warm and her head a bit fuzzy. Alcohol. SHe knew that right away. Oh Merlin her father was going to kill her if he found out.

Mckenna was about to respond when she sniffed the air a bit more and looked at him "Youre drunk?" She asked backing away from him a bit "Dru..." She said looking at him with dissapointment in her eyes. SHe shook her head and turned away from him about to walk away, bur part of her just hoped he tried to stop her. She didnt want to leave his side.

Abeline looked up when Rhesus approached her. She smiled a bit "Hey Rhesus." She said moving some hair from her face "Great party so far yeah?" She asked sipping a cup of fire whiskey in her hand. She noticed he hadnt said her name "Abeline. In case you forgot. Abeline Lancaster."

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Cernunnos Largo

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Post by Cernunnos Largo Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:54 am

Cernunnos entered the Room of Requirement smuggling a few bottles of liquor. The joys of having an allowance that involved smuggling alcohol... In his opinion, it wasn't a party if he wasn't there. "A little birdie told me that there was a party!"
Hufflepuff Seventh Year
Cernunnos Largo
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Blake Kennedy

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Post by Blake Kennedy Sat Nov 25, 2017 5:06 pm

He looked at Jenna who walked up to him and he rolled his eyes, "It's one of the benefits of having money, Bishop. Even though my parents don't even know that I took some of their money." smirked the Ravenclaw. The Ravenclaw was already drunk and he knew that Jenna wouldn't even think to tell his parents. "Why not go and enjoy yourself, Jenna," said Blake as he got up from his seat and made his way around the party. He soon heard a familiar voice that he knew had to be off Cernunnos Largo, and he let out a smirk as he walked over to Cernu. "Good to see that you could make it."
Ravenclaw Seventh Year
Blake Kennedy
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Rhesus Carrow

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Post by Rhesus Carrow Sat Nov 25, 2017 5:28 pm

Rhesus smiled at the fellow Slytherin by him as she knew his name. Then again it seemed that he probably knew her from somewhere but the boy was not good with names. "Oh right Abeline. I am a menace when it comes to names." sighed the Slytherin who enjoyed talking to his fellow housemates, but not so much the other houses. "My friend happened to be the person who threw this party even though he is really the only Ravenclaw, I actually talk too."  Rhesus said giving the younger Slytherin a smirk.
Slytherin Seventh Year
Rhesus Carrow
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Post by Guest Sat Nov 25, 2017 5:35 pm

The boy let out a groan as McKenna got up and walked away from him. He had a feeling that she probably smelt the alcohol on his breath and Drustan felt like complete shit. "McKenna, please I am sorry." he got up and began chasing after her. The Slytherin knew that alcohol on anyone's had been a turn off for anyone. "I am stupid for drinking before this party," he shouted after her.

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Catalina Calderon

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Post by Catalina Calderon Sat Nov 25, 2017 5:44 pm

Ezra grabbed himself a couple snacks and put them on a plate. A few seconds later, the boy saw another student who appeared to be close to his age. He let out a small smile, "I swear that the students in the older years are a hot mess." the biggest in his mind had still been his older sister who he couldn't understand. "My name is Ezra by the way." said the Hufflepuff extending his hand in greeting hoping that he could be a light at this party.
Gryffindor Sixth Year
Catalina Calderon
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Post by Guest Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:29 pm

Alice looked up when a boy from her house introduced herself "Nice to meet you Ezra. Im Alice. Alice Longbottom." She said taking his hand and giving it a small shake "Yourea hufflepuff arent you?" She said wanting to make sure she hadnt confused him with someone else.

Abeline snorted a bit "I dont really talk to anyone outside of Slytherin house. No matter how cool they might seem." She said before realizing how snobbish that sounded but not really caring all too much "But if hes on your ok list... I may give it a try."

Ashton entered the party and smirked as he saw all the girls around "Oh tonight is going to be wicked fun." He said rjunning ahand through his hair before walking over to Rhesus "Already got your fangs in one,eh Carrow? Save some for me." He said sending Abeline a wink to which she wrinkled her nose

Mckenna turned and looked at Drustan "I cant stand alcohol. At all. If you wanna drink it, by all means, dont let me stop you. But Im not gonna stick around if you do." Mckenna had some tough past history with drinking that she didnt want to get into

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Cernunnos Largo

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Post by Cernunnos Largo Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:21 pm

"I know right?! I am the Slytherin party animal. It isn't a party without me!" Cernunnos replied giggling before setting the alcohol bottles on a table. "Too bad Narks couldn't make it. I'll make sure to tell him about it next time I visit him."
Hufflepuff Seventh Year
Cernunnos Largo
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Post by Guest Wed Nov 29, 2017 4:14 pm

Azalea was late as usual, having taken the time to perfect her look and as she sauntered into the room, she smoothed out her red dress and pushed out her chest, wanting to catch people's eye. "Cernu darling!" Azalea called, skipping down the steps with a bottle of rum in hand before kissing his cheek, leaving a red lipstick stain. "Gods, I haven't partied in so long. I'm ready to get fucked up!" The brunette breathed out, gulping down some of the rum and looked around the room with a grin, noting the very attractive men that graced it.

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Cernunnos Largo

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Post by Cernunnos Largo Wed Nov 29, 2017 4:26 pm

Hearing Azalea's voice, Cernunnos turned around and smiled excited to see one of his best friends. "OMG! 'Lea! I'm soo glad you're here! You look so amazing!" He looked down at his nails and noticed the polish was starting to chip off. "We should seriously get our nails done together next time we go to Knocked Up Alley. I might actually get acrylics for once."
Hufflepuff Seventh Year
Cernunnos Largo
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Post by Guest Wed Nov 29, 2017 4:48 pm

At Cernunnos' excitement, Azalea did a mocking bow, knowingly flashing herself to anyone behind her and she flipped her hair at his compliment. "Don't we always look amazing, darling?" She commented, looking down at her own nails which were for the first time unpainted. "Honestly, it's been so long since i've gone down. I heard Bethany's pregnant again. Can you believe it? Josh wanted her to get rid of it!" She said, the pair having called knockturn alley knocked up from how many people got pregnant there.

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Cernunnos Largo

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Post by Cernunnos Largo Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:23 pm

"Yep! We do! It's no wonder why our looks get talked about a lot on the wall when gossip's slow!" Cernunnos replied in agreement. He widened his eyes hearing some of the latest gossip from Knockturn. "Seriously?! I don't know why she hasn't left that deadbeat yet. I'm so gonna have to talk to her about it. Dean would treat her so much better yet she ignores his affections. Apparently Narks heard from one of the nurses at St. Mungo's that the clap is spreading in the red light district again, so make sure the other person is clean before sleeping with them."
Hufflepuff Seventh Year
Cernunnos Largo
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Post by Guest Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:45 pm

Azalea smoothed her dress once more, feeling the alcohol already affecting her after such a long time remaining off it. School had become far too hectic for parties. "I know! She deserves the best for the magic she does to my nails. Dean needs to grow some balls and just let her know how he feels." She said with a shake of her head, only to hear about the clap. "Oh honey I know. Last night, I asked the guy if he was clean and he said no but still tried it anyway! I almost crucio'd his ass. It's a shame because he was super cute." Her lips turned into a pout, clearly disappointed before latching onto a certain Carrow figure. "Did Rhesus get more attractive over the holidays or is that just me?"

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Post by Guest Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:52 pm

Ashton smirked when Azalea Rosier arrived. He watched her movements like a hawk and smirked before nudging Rhesus "Looks whos back." He said gesturing towards Azalea. He then excused himself and walked over to her "Azalea love, its been a while." He said bowing a bit and taking her hand and kissing it "We have certainly missed your presence."

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Post by Guest Wed Nov 29, 2017 6:02 pm

Azalea noted someone walking towards her, immediately raising her brow as he kissed her hand before shooting a look at Cernunnos. "Who is this?" She asked, looking at the man with confusion before gasping. "Oh you're that like...last name like a metal guy?" Taking a moment to think, she took a sip of rum before clicking her fingers and pointed towards him. "Steele. Got it! Also don't call me love. Urgh hate that word." She shuddered, having once enjoyed the idea of love and romance before Cernunnos successfully corrupted her and made her a much better person.

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Post by Guest Wed Nov 29, 2017 6:17 pm

"Yes ma'am. Steele. Ashton Steele. But you can call me Ashton of course." He said standing up straight again and sipping his own drink which was a high class brand of firewhiskey "So, where have you been Azalea? We havent seen you for months." He asked raising an eyebrow at her.

Athena saw that Azalea had returned and smiled happily. She rushed over and hugged her friend "Aza! Oh my Merlin, Im so happy youre back! I have so much to tell you. For starters, I'M getting married!" She said holding up her ring hand and showing off the huge diamond on her finger "Im marrying Hades Gaunt. Its an arranged marriage. But still! Hades Gaunt!" She said rambling a bit, but she had missed her friend

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Cernunnos Largo

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Post by Cernunnos Largo Wed Nov 29, 2017 6:26 pm

Cernunnos got out the bottle cap he had charmed into a bottle opener and used it to open a bottle of vodka before drinking some of it from the bottle. "I know dad's been trying to get Dean to ask her out on a date. Cheating for someone better is totally an everyday thing after all. I don't know how my dad manages to go back and forth between here and Norway to visit his new girlfriend. I know I've been partially raised off drug money.. Chances are, he does more than I know to keep going." He paused realizing he was beginning to ramble. "Ew! He would've deserved that crucio no matter how cute." Watching as Ashton kissed Azalea's hand, he raised an eyebrow. "Um, unasked for much?" Cernunnos questioned. He was honestly disgusted at how Ashton waltzed in there like that.
Hufflepuff Seventh Year
Cernunnos Largo
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