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Divinations Lesson One - Reading Palms ((Hogwarts Students))

Catalina Calderon
Ebba Balewa
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Ebba Balewa

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Post by Ebba Balewa Sat Nov 11, 2017 4:43 pm

Ebba enjoyed being back teaching something that she loved very much. She had some amazing plans for today and hoped her teaching would make the students happy. A smile came across her face as she was setting up everything for the class and hoped that if with everything going on, she could help the kids find a hopeful light in the future. Once the room was set up, she made her way over to her desk and took a seat on top her desk, as she waited for the students to arrive.
Ebba Balewa
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Catalina Calderon

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Post by Catalina Calderon Sat Nov 11, 2017 7:32 pm

Ezra entered the classroom to see that he had been the first one to arrive. Something that was a rare occasion for him and as he walked around the room, a smile came across his face. He saw the professor sitting on the desk and she looked to be sorta of old, and it surprised him to see she still had the energy to do that. The Hufflepuff walked up to the professor because he wanted to know the lesson plan wasn't on the board.

"Are we doing nothing today, Professor Balewa?"

Terribly like terrible, she's the villain
Divinations Lesson One - Reading Palms ((Hogwarts Students)) 83c48a1263657da791ba642563836db980f7effcDivinations Lesson One - Reading Palms ((Hogwarts Students)) 1dc11cf8c2290f9e15eb318e39d5a4ea1d290ac3
One as sweet as caramel, she's my saint
Gryffindor Sixth Year
Catalina Calderon
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Naya Rivera
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Favorite Subject: Music

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Cherry Darling

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Post by Cherry Darling Sat Nov 11, 2017 9:08 pm

Cherry entered the classroom and took a seat wondering why she had decided to take divination other than it being an easy grade. She hoped the class wouldn't be as much as a joke as it was historically so she could get some use out of it.
Ravenclaw Seventh Year
Cherry Darling
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Lori Beth Denberg
Favorite Subject: Astronomy
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Has Freckles

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Madison Shaw

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Post by Madison Shaw Mon Nov 13, 2017 6:27 pm

Maddie knew that she needed to back into attending classes regularly and with her sister teaching, there was no doubt that her sister would find ways to know how her younger siblings are doing. Being pregnant was not an excuse for Maddie who entered the class to see an older woman sitting on the desk and two other students in the class. One of the students being her younger brother which caused Maddie to roll her eyes, but didn't mind annoying Ezra. She walked over to her brother who was talking to the professor and let out a small smirk. "Are you already finding ways to bore our new professor?"
Madison Shaw
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Ebba Balewa

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Post by Ebba Balewa Mon Nov 13, 2017 6:35 pm

Ebba loved when students poured into class it made the lady smile. Looking at one of her students who had been asking her a question and she let out a laugh. "Of course you are learning my dear.". The boy let out a sigh after she said this and Ebba just shook her head and another student walked up to her asking the boy if he was boring her already. "It's quite alright my dear, it's my job dear. Now I would appreciate if you would both take a seat for me." she said as she motioned the two students to take a seat.
Ebba Balewa
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Rutuk Skelter

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Post by Rutuk Skelter Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:18 pm

Rutuk didn't quite know what classes he had been put into, but he was able to interpret where he was supposed to go. All he had to do was listen and play along. He found his way into the divination room. He had no idea what he would learn from this class, but he had to make use of this new found ability. Even if it were small, he would at least be able to better grasp it. He's had more than his share of magical slip ups. Magic was still so bizarre to him, but maybe he could understand better by learning how to handle it.

The professor looked old, but that wasn't bad. In fact, something about her made her seem easy to approach compared to most people in this cursed school. "Hey professor." Rutuk decided to quietly take a seat near the back of the room. Being up here was pretty convenient, maybe he would have a chance to tend to something after class. The teacher just seemed too kind and he would hate to lie to her. He was almost praying she didn't notice him and was too busy with the other students.
Gryffindor Fourth Year
Rutuk Skelter
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Divinations Lesson One - Reading Palms ((Hogwarts Students)) Empty Re: Divinations Lesson One - Reading Palms ((Hogwarts Students))

Post by Guest Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:27 am

Divination wasn't really Brayden's favorite lesson for sure but she still decided to take it this year. The boy walked into the classroom a few minutes later and looked around there. He saw there a few people but he barely knew any of them. "Hello," he said to the professor. He tried to be there a friendly a bit at least.

The boy went to sit back in the classroom, he never liked to sit in front anyways. He didn't sit next to some boy who was there but rather to some other empty desk there. He had no idea what they will learn in here and then again he didn't really care that much about it too. He was here so he could pass this year.

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Post by Guest Sun Jan 21, 2018 1:55 pm

Andy entered class wondering how many people were going to be there; he had a feeling not many of the people in this school was a huge fan of divination even though it'd be an easy grade. Waving at the professor he sat down and took a seat deciding to just mind his own business. Besides, it wasn't as if Arsen was there.

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Post by Guest Tue Jan 23, 2018 5:05 pm

Isabella had decided to take Divination class even if she didn't really like it so much. She just wasn't any good at cooking or astronomy either. This class seemed to fit for a little Bella. So the girl walked into the classroom. "Hello," she said with a small smile and took a seat in the first row. All she had to do now was to wait for the lesson to start once she had taken out needed things for this lesson.

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Cherry Darling

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Post by Cherry Darling Tue Jan 23, 2018 5:32 pm

"What are we going to do today?" Cherry asked looking at Ebba. She personally found the professor to be quite nice although she didn't seem to be the best at teaching. She looked around to see if there was anyone familiar and she noticed Andy. "Lonely much, Polinsky?" wondered Cherry looking at her housemate.
Ravenclaw Seventh Year
Cherry Darling
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Lori Beth Denberg
Favorite Subject: Astronomy
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Made 500 Posts
Of Age
Favorite Season: Spring
Has Freckles

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Felix Venox

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Post by Felix Venox Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:50 am

Felix was loafing around in class. He really wasn't following much, bit of daydreaming and dozing off. He was a little odd sitting in a divination class, but hey, what could go wrong? Just another class, relaxed teacher and everything. He decided to put his head down as student became a bit irritated by each other. Never was a simple day in this school.
Ravenclaw Sixth Year
Felix Venox
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