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James Potter (1859)
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Alayna Nott (949)
Lesson 1: Draught of Peace EmptyLesson 1: Draught of Peace EmptyLesson 1: Draught of Peace Empty 
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Cherry Darling (718)
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Lesson 1: Draught of Peace

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Lesson 1: Draught of Peace Empty Lesson 1: Draught of Peace

Post by Guest Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:01 am

Theodore entered his classroom and grabbed his wand and made the lesson for the day appear on the board. Draught of Peace. Maybe that was what he and his daughter needed. He hadnt any idea where Alayna had stayed during the holidays after their fight. And it didnt seem that his daughter had any interest in mending things. He sighed and gathered the ingredients his students would need for the lesson and waited for them to arrive. He just hoped Alayna would actually come to the class so they could talk after

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Cernunnos Largo

Lesson 1: Draught of Peace Empty Re: Lesson 1: Draught of Peace

Post by Cernunnos Largo Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:44 am

Cernunnos entered the classroom texting away on his phone. He and his father had been having a lot of discussions lately; he didn't get why his father was so concerned over his relationship even though that was something fathers did. He was also rather upset at the lack of parties that occurred over break due to the fact that someone got arrested. there were house party arrests all the time in the Muggle world! That shouldn't have stopped them. he took a seat and waited noticing he seemed to have been the first to arrive.
Hufflepuff Seventh Year
Cernunnos Largo
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Lesson 1: Draught of Peace 000000
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Discordia Lestrange

Lesson 1: Draught of Peace Empty Re: Lesson 1: Draught of Peace

Post by Discordia Lestrange Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:59 am

Discordia walked into potions class hoping that the potion would be something to knock out Chaos for when she finally has the chance to give her a DIY lobotomy. Her brother was deranged, and she felt as if it was her responsibility to take care of that. No better way to get that done than a DIY anesthesia potion. She quickly became disappointed when she saw it was a Drought of Peace.
Ravenclaw Seventh Year
Discordia Lestrange
Mini Ava :
Lesson 1: Draught of Peace Tumblr_pt27c49OJn1w3mpkdo5_400
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Lesson 1: Draught of Peace 000000
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Favorite Season: Winter

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Cherry Darling

Lesson 1: Draught of Peace Empty Re: Lesson 1: Draught of Peace

Post by Cherry Darling Thu Nov 09, 2017 9:13 am

Cherry walked into the potions classroom feeling disappointed that she was only able to really do theory due to her condition. Usually, those inflicted with her condition had to be placed on homebound or just drop out. For her, that wasn't the case as the staff was so desperate for good test scores for their averages that they decided there was no point as she was going to be graduating anyway. Fun. Before taking a seat, she handed Theodore a note stating that she was only to do theory.
Ravenclaw Seventh Year
Cherry Darling
Mini Ava :
Lesson 1: Draught of Peace Ac8cb989c958dcb5e624489a6b2f5b96deb2f221
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Lori Beth Denberg
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Lesson 1: Draught of Peace Empty Re: Lesson 1: Draught of Peace

Post by Guest Sat Nov 11, 2017 5:10 pm

Drustan entered the Potion classroom with a smirk on his face. Looking at the board, and a laugh came out of him. He glanced at the professor who was teaching the class. He thought Professor Nott taught Muggle Studies, but then again with everything going on, it seemed that everyone was changing. The Slytherin looked at the kids who were in the class and saw his sister was one of the students and with a smile, he walked over to her. "Let me guess you were one of the first here?"

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