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Skin made and designed by Xaria with the help of Necromancer Coding. The Switcheroo is by Monomer. Badges on the site were sourced from Flaticon on a premium subscription. Images used throughout the site are from Unsplash. The Harry Potter universe was created by JK Rowling and is co-owned by Warner Bros. No copyright infringement is intended.

Adaria Edgewater

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Adaria Edgewater Empty Adaria Edgewater

Post by Guest Tue Sep 20, 2016 2:55 pm

[center]Adaria Edgewater Blake-lively-loreal-hair

Adaria Edgewater Ruthbas
Name: Adaria Edgewater
Nicknames: adi, aria
Date of Birth: December 25
Age: 16
Blood Status: Pureblood 
Hometown: London
Current Home: London
Nationality: British
School: Hogwarts
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Wand:11 inches, Oak, Phoenix feather

Adaria Edgewater Ruthappe
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Style: long and straight, sometimes wavy
Eye Color: green
Body Type: Skinny and curvy
Height: 5'6
Other Distinguishing Features: mole on right cheekbone
Clothing Style: Wears anything

Adaria Edgewater Ruthper
Adaria is a determined girl. She is determined to get what she wants at any costs. She is extremely spoiled and is what people would call a "Pampered Princess". She can be manipulative as well and a bit 9of a liar at times, and is extremely sneaky.

Adaria Edgewater Ruthfam
Father's Name: Marcus Edgewater
Age: 45
Blood Status/Species: Pureblood
Occupation: Auror
Status: Living

Mother's Name: Aurora Edgewater
Age: 42
Blood Status/Species: Pureblood
Occupation: Housewife
Status: Living

Siblings ( name, age, blood/species, occupation, status, etc )

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Adaria Edgewater Ruthhist
Adaria grew up in the highclass end of Wizard London. She was spoiled growing up by her father as she was "Daddys little girl" and his princess. She was always kind to her friends and family, but not as kind to outsiders.

As she grew older, she became more and more like a spoiled princess. When she turned 11, she began attending Hogwarts and made a few friends at the school, but she really saw most of them as her minions.

Adaria Edgewater Ruthfamhist
The Edgewaters are a highly known and extremely wealthy wizarding family of pureblood status. They are associated as the same status as the Malfoy family and are highly respected in the wizarding community  [center]

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James Potter

Adaria Edgewater Empty Re: Adaria Edgewater

Post by James Potter Tue Sep 20, 2016 3:36 pm

Adaria Edgewater Tomaccepted

Adaria Edgewater F756a16d7af18421e6ea5ee99f257a1ef8c12d07Adaria Edgewater B8691033c7841cacd7fa1eb3a22651b1af239ddc
in these blues i'm singing, there's a lesson to be learned
Gryffindor Sixth Year
James Potter
Mini Ava :
Adaria Edgewater E5fe0ce947020e71a635f9180876b2539089e55a
Alias :
Nickname :
occupation :
Age :
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blood purity :
Posts :
Face Claimpp :
Drake Bell
partner pic :
Adaria Edgewater Cd41fa13a0076c6ec1aca6a65d28c77467449b6d
Pride Flag
Studies Dark Magic
Likes Partying
Favorite Subject: Music
A Romantic
Plays Guitar
Favorite Season: Spring
Likes Food
Has Freckles
Quidditch Player
Made 1.75k+ Posts

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