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Aspen Grey

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Aspen Grey Empty Aspen Grey

Post by Guest Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:19 pm

Aspen Grey Abbey-lee-kershaw9

Aspen Grey Ruthbas
Name: Aspen Grey
Nicknames: Asp
Date of Birth: March 27
Age: 15
Blood Status: Pureblood
Hometown: Oklahoma
Current Home: Oklahoma
Nationality: American
School: Illvermony
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Wand: Oak, 12 inches, unicorn tail

Aspen Grey Ruthappe
Hair Color: light blonde
Hair Style: long
Eye Color: light blue/grey
Body Type: slim
Height: 5'4
Other Distinguishing Features: tribal tattoo on right shoulder blade
Clothing Style: bohemian, tribal, unique

Aspen Grey Ruthper
Aspen has always been a very free spirit. She doesnt like to follow rules and likes to do her own thing. She doesnt really plan things, she just goes with the flow of whatever life throws at her. She is very family oriented especially with her younger sister Espen.
Aspen Grey Ruthfam
Father's Name: Porter Grey
Age: 37
Blood Status/Species: Pureblood
Occupation: Auror
Status: Living

Mother's Name: Scarlett Grey
Age: 34
Blood Status/Species: Pureblood
Occupation: Healer
Status: Living

Siblings ( name, age, blood/species, occupation, status, etc )
Jasper Grey, 16, Pureblood, student, living
Espen Grey, 13, Pureblood, student, living
Children: ( name, age, blood/species,occupation, status, etc )

Spouses/Partners: ( name, age, blood/species, occupation, status, etc )

Pets: ( name, age, species, status, etc )

Other Key Members: ( name, age, blood/species, occupation, status, etc )

Aspen Grey Ruthhist
Aspen was a happy child with a very enjoyable childhood. She got to spend most of her time on her familys estate in the mountainside. She got to explore the gardens and even help her mother with her healing duties. She spent alot of time outside enjoying nature.

She grew up next to the Adair family and formed a long lasting friendship with Mayari. Both Aspen and Espen were taught by their parents tribe, especially by the ancient vampires. But they were seen as outcasts due to their parents modern jobs.

When she turned 11, she got her acceptance letter to Illvermony and was very excited to attend the school. A whole new place to explore and be free at. When she arrived, she spent as much time as she could outside in the gardens and exploring the forests. She hardly spent any time in the castle except for classes, meals and when she slept.
Aspen Grey Ruthfamhist
Scarlett and Porter Grey were both raised in the same tribe in Oklahoma. They didnt really start feeling romatic feelings for eachother until they were in Illvermony. After they both graduated, Porter proposed to which Scarlett agreed. They returned to the tribe but decided to work for the ministry to support their family

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Diamonique Cartwright

Aspen Grey Empty Re: Aspen Grey

Post by Diamonique Cartwright Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:22 pm

Aspen Grey Tomaccepted
Diamonique Cartwright
Mini Ava :
Aspen Grey Tumblr_np0lnlOVcL1rjl6wko5_250
Alias :
Nickname :
occupation :
go-go dancer
Age :
sexual orientation :
blood purity :
Posts :
Face Claimpp :
Rose McGowan
partner pic :
Aspen Grey 4d1c64b1cfdc1a78862cfaf7a733794e5a740ad1
Pride Flag
Erotic Dancer / Worker
Of Age

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