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Anton Wolfgang

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Anton Wolfgang Empty Anton Wolfgang

Post by Guest Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:57 pm

Anton Wolfgang 7bc5b00214eb880bd0b9741dc4ed19b5

Anton Wolfgang Ruthbas
Name: Anton Wolfgang
Nicknames: Wolf
Date of Birth: October 17
Age: 16
Blood Status: Pureblood
Hometown: Berlin
Current Home: Berlin
Nationality: German
School: Durmstrang
Sexual Orientation:Hetero sexual
Wand: 11 inches, Cedar, Veela hair

Anton Wolfgang Ruthappe
Hair Color: brown
Hair Style: Beyond wild and messy
Eye Color: Green
Body Type: Muscualr
Height: 6'0
Other Distinguishing Features:
Clothing Style: Wears anything

Anton Wolfgang Ruthper
Anton is a bit of a wild card. You never really know what he is going to do. One minute he can be perfectly calm, the next, he is exploding. However, he is one of the most kind and gentle people you will ever meet. He will lsiten to you when you cry then go beat the shit out of whoever made you do it.

Anton Wolfgang Ruthfam
Father's Name: Aldagar Wolfgang
Age: 45
Blood Status/Species: Pureblood
Occupation: Unspeakable
Status: Living

Mother's Name: Adele Wolfgang nee Zaslavski
Age: 42
Blood Status/Species: Pureblood
Occupation: Auror
Status: Living

Siblings ( name, age, blood/species, occupation, status, etc )
Arkadi Wolfgang, 14, Pureblood, student, living
Children: ( name, age, blood/species,occupation, status, etc )

Spouses/Partners: ( name, age, blood/species, occupation, status, etc )

Pets: ( name, age, species, status, etc )

Other Key Members: ( name, age, blood/species, occupation, status, etc )

Anton Wolfgang Ruthhist
Anton grew up in a normal environment in Berlin. He was the first born, so he was absolutely spoiled for the first few years of his life. Then, Arkadi was born. And he couldnt be happier. Sure, he wasnt as spoiled, but he had a baby brother, and this filled him with joy. He was determined to be the best big brother ever.

He had lots of friends because people were just drawn to him. His energy, his personality, just everything that made him who he was. When he turned 11, he recieved his Durmstrang letter and was shipped off to school. He made lots of friends there, mostly with the girls. The guys all thought he was too soft, but the females of Durmstrang loved him.

Anton Wolfgang Ruthfamhist
The Wolfgang family is a well known and respected family in Germany. Both of his parents work in the ministry so they are a very wealthy family. Anton was the first born, followed by Arkadi. They are the heirs to the family fortune.

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Diamonique Cartwright

Anton Wolfgang Empty Re: Anton Wolfgang

Post by Diamonique Cartwright Sat Sep 10, 2016 1:03 pm

Anton Wolfgang Tomaccepted
Diamonique Cartwright
Mini Ava :
Anton Wolfgang Tumblr_np0lnlOVcL1rjl6wko5_250
Alias :
Nickname :
occupation :
go-go dancer
Age :
sexual orientation :
blood purity :
Posts :
Face Claimpp :
Rose McGowan
partner pic :
Anton Wolfgang 4d1c64b1cfdc1a78862cfaf7a733794e5a740ad1
Pride Flag
Erotic Dancer / Worker
Of Age

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