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James Potter (1859)
Vampire Hunters (Big Family) EmptyVampire Hunters (Big Family) EmptyVampire Hunters (Big Family) Empty 
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Vampire Hunters (Big Family)

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Emmerich Zaima

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) Empty Vampire Hunters (Big Family)

Post by Emmerich Zaima Thu Aug 13, 2020 9:47 am

The Zaima Family
Emmerich is Austrian. Estera is Polish and Romanian.
FCs are just suggestions, but skin tone must remain the same.

The Zaima family moved from Austria to Scotland about a year ago, so the children of school age would have transferred from their German wizard school to Hogwarts. They are a family of vampire hunters, and are specifically after Nicolta Miller (but they don't know her name or really what she looks like, other than her real surname 'Matei').

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) FSdpeO

Emmerich Zaima (48)
FC: Lance Reddick
Played by Violet
Works at the Ministry in the Being Division.

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) FSdmlx

Estera Zaima (nee Krol, 47)
FC: Famke Janssen
Played by (OPEN)
Possibly works in Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade.

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) FSd3uD

Mirek Zaima (Male, 23-27)
FC: Corbin Bleu
Played by (OPEN)
Works closely alongside his Dad.
Employed in the same department of the Ministry as him (Being Division).
Has the same beliefs as his parents (that vampires should be stamped out entirely).

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) FSdxrm

Lisbet Zaima (Female, 17-21)
FC: Jessica Sula
Played by Destiny
If she is at school, she is in the same year as Nicoleta.
Doesn't know who Nicoleta really is.
If graduated from school, you can decide which job she as.
Has the same beliefs as her parents (that vampires should be stamped out entirely).

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) FSdsmd

Anelie Zaima (Female, 13-16)
FC: Patricia Allison
Played by Played by Xaria
Is the 'nice one' of the family, who questions whether vampires are really that bad.
Is close to her cousins, the Zaima-Behringers.
A sweetheart!

The Zaima-Behringer Family
Ralph is Austrian and the twin brother of Emmerich. Magdalene is German.
FCs are just suggestions (except Ralph), but skin tone must remain the same. Children could be twins.

The Zaima-Behringer family moved from Austria to the UK when Rike was 10 years old. Both children attended Hogwarts school. They are not vampire hunters, and disagree with the Zaima and Krol families.

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) FSdbNq

Ralph Zaima-Behringer (48)
FC: Lance Reddick
Played by (OPEN)
Open job.

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) FSdotN

Magdalene Zaima-Behringer (nee Behringer, 45)
FC: Keesha Sharp
Played by (OPEN)
Open job.

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) FSdBC8

Rike Zaima-Behringer (Female, 17-23)
FC: Maria Borges
Played by (OPEN)
If she is at school, she is in the same year as Nicoleta.
Doesn't know who Nicoleta really is.
If graduated from school, you can decide which job she as.
Possibly works alongside vampires or has strong beliefs that they should be treated equally?

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) FSdGWQ

Torsten Zaima-Behringer (Male, 14-17)
FC: Kedar Williams-Stirling
Played by (OPEN)
Pretty much open.

The Krol Family
Stefek is Polish and Romanian, and the older brother of Estera. He divorced the children's mother.
FCs are just suggestions, but skin tone must remain the same.

The Krol family are probably worse than the Zaima family. They are vampire hunters, but have a different target to the Zaima family (Nicoleta). They are all ruthless and probably a little crazy. They moved to the UK from Poland very recently, so the school-age children would have transferred from Durmstrang to Hogwarts.

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) FcOh5p

Stefek Krol (50)
FC: Vincent Gallo
Played by (OPEN)
Open job.

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) FSd6ZA

Jaromir Krol (Male, 17-27)
FC: Owen Teague
Played by Violet
If he is at school, he is in the same year as Nicoleta.
Doesn't know who Nicoleta really is.
If graduated from school, you can decide which job he as.
Probably a psychopath.

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) FSdQ5G

Ksenia Krol (Female, 14-24)
FC: India Eisley
Played by Care
She can either be at school or adult.
Probably a psychopath.
Really hates werewolves, vampires, anything that isn't human.
Ministry Worker
Emmerich Zaima
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Vampire Hunters (Big Family) 000000
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Dominique Weasley

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) Empty Re: Vampire Hunters (Big Family)

Post by Dominique Weasley Thu Aug 13, 2020 9:17 pm

I'd be interested ksenia
Dominique Weasley
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DADA professor
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Love is love
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Made 200 Posts
Of Age

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Emmerich Zaima

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) Empty Re: Vampire Hunters (Big Family)

Post by Emmerich Zaima Tue Aug 18, 2020 7:45 am

Sure! You can make her
Ministry Worker
Emmerich Zaima
Mini Ava :
Vampire Hunters (Big Family) 000000
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Vampire Hunters (Big Family) 000000

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Anelie Zaima

Vampire Hunters (Big Family) Empty Re: Vampire Hunters (Big Family)

Post by Anelie Zaima Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:07 pm

oh heres anelie
Hufflepuff Fourth Year
Anelie Zaima
Mini Ava :
Vampire Hunters (Big Family) Tumblr_inline_pg6fw5yAOr1slbpsl_1280
Alias :
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occupation :
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sexual orientation :
blood purity :
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Kiersey Clemons
partner pic :
Vampire Hunters (Big Family) Tenor

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