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Persephone Nightshade

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Persephone Nightshade

Persephone Nightshade Empty Persephone Nightshade

Post by Persephone Nightshade Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:08 am

Persephone Nightshade Tumblr_ouadmlK9Mg1rwfe5ao3_400


Name: Persephone Jane Nightshade
Nicknames: Seph or Sephy
Titles: Red Goddess
Date of Birth: March 19, 1999
Age: 21
Blood Status: Pureblood
Hometown: Wales
Current Home: London
Nationality: English
School: Hogwarts
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Wand: 9, cherry, unicorn hair


Hair Color: Red
Hair Style: Curly or straight
Eye Color: Green
Body Type: Skinny
Height: 5,5
Other Distinguishing Features: A scar on the right side of her hip
Clothing Style: Anything red and sophisticated, she likes to look her best.


Persephone does have her moments when it comes to meeting new people or treating her friends a certain way. She can be kind (very rare) when it comes to the people in her inner circle but a total bitch when it comes to those outside of her most trusted companions. She was raised to have thick skin and not let anyone walk all over her no matter what. She is very sarcastic, cunning, manipulative, smart, loyal, and protective. She was raised in the highest of power and there are times where she craves the power whether it be in life or in bed. Sephy isn't one to be known for her kindness, very few see it. She likes the color red and it makes sense most of her clothing is red, nail polish, cake, power, boys, girls (who aren't dramatic), and animals. She dislikes perky princesses and things that crawl, they freak her out too much.

The one secret she keeps from her family but not so much others is that she told them she had gotten a good paying job and moved to London while they're still in Whales and she joined the Deatheaters and is even pregnant. She knows that to her parents it would be frowned upon if they found out she was pregnant before marriage, but Sephy simply doesn't care.


Sephy's parents are completely old school even for Purebloods, they raised their children to fight back and stand for what they believe in and to wait until marriage to have sex and wait until marriage to have children. Unfortunately for them Sephy was one who didn't like the rules, she was one to loose her virginity when she was fifteen to a seventh year, after that the girl became someone who would have sex whether it be males or females since she liked both but preferred males more since they brought less drama and brought her more pleasure then a female. Sephy knew she was a rotten seed and it didn't surprise her when she became a death eater either, her parents always thought it was a phase but it most certainly was not. After graduating Hogwarts, she went back to Whales for a year before she was asked to come back to London for her becoming a death eater.

Her parents thought she had a good paying job and allowed her to leave while they stayed behind, she became her own person and loved every second of it. She met a man and the two had a night of hot sex and a month later she found out she was pregnant by him, she never told her parents nor the man since she didn't know how he would react to this news. She is currently four months pregnant with her child.
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Madelaine Petsch
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Persephone Nightshade Empty Re: Persephone Nightshade

Post by Guest Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:44 pm


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