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Baek Min-ji

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Baek Min-ji Empty Baek Min-ji

Post by Guest Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:59 am

Baek Min-ji Tenor


   Name: Baek Min-ji/Min-ji Baek (Has various cover names - current one is Anastasia Jung)
   Nicknames: Min/Minnie
   Titles: N/A
   Date of Birth: May 19, 1992 - current cover birthdate / Real one: Classified
   Age: 28 - current cover age / Real one: classified
   Blood Status: Half-blood
   Hometown: Alleged to be just outside of Seoul
   Current Home: Somewhere between England and Scotland
   Nationality: Korean
   School: Graduated from a Korean wizarding school - works at Hogwarts
   Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
   Wand: Classified


   Hair Color: Varies - naturally dark brown
   Hair Style: Usually long, some waves
   Eye Color: Brown - wears contacts
   Body Type: Thin
   Height: 5'7
   Other Distinguishing Features: A tattoo - or a tramp stamp if that your thing - of a butterfly on her lower back (often concealed with charms and/or makeup)
   Clothing Style: Depends on the job


 Mysterious, Min-ji is a bit of a chameleon. She can fit herself into all sorts of situation with adequate preparation and intel. With her ability to improvise, it's hard to tell if she's ever telling the truth. It's a sacrifice she's had to make for the sake of whatever the cause - losing her real identity. Sharp, Min-ji's able to think of workarounds and various loopholes if it meant achieving her objective, especially if there's a lead she's been following. She's one to research and often compared to a detective due to how in depth she takes her searches; Min-ji doesn't stop until she discovers info of value.


               25.4.2020 Time: ??:?? {
The target's been in mysterious conferences involving Hogwarts. Donned in dark robes and long, dark hair and a face clearly aged by war(s). He has been identified as Severus Tobias Snape. Born January 9, 1960. Recorded to have died May 2, 1998. It appears the target has either faked his death or something involving immortality has occurred.

12.7.2020 Time: 14:19 {
Various classifieds have been posted up to fill up some positions at Hogwarts. It has been kept anonymous who the new headmaster is, but I heavily suspect that it is Target No. 1428 Severus Tobias Snape. I plan on interviewing for the librarian position. It'll get me on the front lines and the ability to overhear without suspicion.

1.9.2020 Time: 17:30 {
The Hogwarts Express has been on the trajectory to Hogwarts since approximately 11 this morning. Almost all teaching and staff positions have been filled. For at least the next term, I am Librarian Anastasia Jung. This time will be used to investigate Target No. 1428's whereabouts the past 22 years and if he has any involvement in the gradual build-up of Wizarding War II's factions. In the meantime, anything of credence that I discover will be immediately forwarded via encrypted owls.


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Baek Min-ji Empty Re: Baek Min-ji

Post by Guest Tue Aug 27, 2019 2:33 pm


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